consumer behavior

Multiple Touches In Your Marketing Strategy

We all know in the past 20 years huge changes have occurred to the internet, marketing, and especially to the consumer. But for those who are not ahead of the “learning curve” with ever-changing technology often struggle to reach the modern consumer. Nowadays, people receive information in various ways like blogs, Social Media, etc. It is a marketer’s job to touch all bases to place ads and compelling messages in arms reach of those receiving the information. Marketing strategies must be executed and tracked to collect data to observe what is working and what is not. The catch is understanding that the goal of every step of the strategy is a closed sale.

Without marketing analytics, it can be challenging to decipher if every element in the strategy being used is truly working. The type of purchase or item being sold plays a huge part in the response time for the consumer. Frequently, we are asked why we “touch all bases” if some are not showing results or generating leads. That is when we look into what is being advertised. A consumer looking at their phone and seeing an ad for a pizza would generate a fast response as opposed to a consumer seeing an ad for a new car. But that does not mean that the car ad on the phone did not work. That same person could go home that day look in the mail and see a postcard advertising the same car seen online, creating another layer onto shaping the decision for that consumer. Multiple touches ensure that a potential client becomes familiar with your brand.

Looking at the part of the strategy that generated the lead is fun, the real work is done when looking at the layers built to persuade the consumer into making a decision. Especially with a business to business marketing approach, it can take time for that business owner to choose your company over another. They want to know that you want their business and that you are willing to reach them on any platform to show them that your company is the right fit for them.



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