cross platform marketing strategy

Cross-Media Marketing: Easy Steps to Success

Cross-media marketing, sometimes known as omni-channel marketing, is a method in which a single message is communicated to potential consumers through a variety of different media.

Instead of limiting your company’s message to one channel, like television, a cross-media campaign utilizes multiple platforms, from print and social media to outdoor ads and radio.

This form of marketing is more effective because it puts your company’s message in front of consumers, increasing the likelihood that they will see your advertisement and respond.

Here are four easy and essential steps you should follow to successfully implement a cross-media campaign.

Determine Your Desired Outcome

Before beginning anything else, it’s best to determine what you want to achieve through your cross-media marketing campaign. Identify your ultimate goals and you will be equipped to more accurately create a targeted market and measure results.

By doing this you will be prepared to develop the right messaging for each channel, to drive consumers to take the actions which achieve your desired outcome. For example: getting you to share this post.

Understand Your Target Market

Consumers dictate how they receive marketing messages, so it is imperative to understand your target market and the media they use. Insight into your target market will help you identify the most effective media to employ. Is it a social media platform? Possibly a radio spot?

Once you understand to whom you are advertising, you will be better equipped to develop a marketing message that will appeal to them.

Develop One Integrated Message

A consistent marketing message is an essential component of a successful cross-media campaign. The same marketing message must be communicated through each channel you use.

However, the message needs to be tailored to each platform. A continuous message clearly communicates to consumers what the company offers them. It also supports your company’s efforts in building a strong brand image.

Measure and Adjust As You Go

Track each channel you use and how consumers respond to your marketing message. Make sure to look at the results holistically, to see whether the current mix of media is effective.

When you recognize any ineffective parts of the campaign, adjust the media mix as soon as possible. Measuring and adjusting should be continual throughout the strategy. Not only will you make your current campaign more effective, you will gain insight for future ones.

These simple steps will help you implement a successful cross-media campaign. In today’s world, digital presence is an essential component of every marketing strategy.

Don’t take our word for it, check out one of our case studies to see how a cross-media campaign helped Wayland Baptist University increase their enrollment.


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